Saturday, April 22, 2006


over spring break, I went to my grandma's, then went to a water park! sadly, the whole time I was on vacation, I got zilch sleep!

hey, why are you still scrolling down?

p.s. animal grosoligy is a book about gross things animals do. here's a link:

Monday, April 17, 2006

you asked for the list!!!

on the comments, a lot of people asked what I had read latlyso here's the list!
1.little house in the big woods
2.little house on the prairie
3.farmer boy
4.on the banks of plum creek the shores of silver lake
6.the long winter
7. little town on the prairy
8.theise happy golden years
9. the first four years
10. animal grossolagy

i lv easter!!

hi, this is c and i had a great easter! i got a stuffed bunny, a tennise racket, and tennise balls(i forgot to say on my list that i cannot spell), clothing, a book, and five pounds of candy( mostly dove and m&m's!!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going to my grandma's soon too. i lv easter!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


hi, Im C, and I'm a foal friend. to be a foalfrend, the only rule is you have to love horses! other than that, we include anyone who wants to join! other than horses, theise are my intrests
1. reading
3. reading
4. runing around like a maniack
5.playing soccer
6. reading
was reading in that list some where? yey, I love reading.